Navi-Mig 1st Result

Exciting News! We are thrilled to announce the completion of the first result of our Navi-Mig project: “Mobile application NAVI-MIG – a roadmap for migrants in Europe”! This innovative mobile application, available for iOS, is designed to support migrants in navigating essential services and achieving successful integration in our partner countries. The Navi-Mig app will […]
Navi-Mig 2nd Newsletter

We are sharing with you the second newsletter of the Navi-Mig project. We have completed and released the mobile application, which is a very important part of the project! Don’t forget to check the newsletter for more information!! #erasmus #erasmusplus #navimig #migration #guide #integration #mobileapplication
INFOCARE Newsletter | May 2023

We are sharing with you the new #newsletter of the #INFOCARE project published this month! Don’t forget to follow us for more information! #dementia #alzheimer #PwD #erasmus #erasmusplus
InfoCARE TPM4 Online

#InfoCARE TPM4 was successfully implemented! During two days, partners worked together to define the steps that will guide #InfoCARE Project within the next months: ✅Guidelines for piloting activities, that will start in May and will involve at least 75 participants (informal caregivers, relatives of people with dementia, NGOs representatives, etc) ✅Creation of a handbook for […]
InteLACMarket Spot Video

InteLACMarket Spot Video has been released!!
InteLACMarket 2nd Newsletter

2nd Newsletter of the InteLACMarket project has been released!

We had our third TPM for the #EDUMAP project, and we’re thrilled to share our progress with you! Our project team has worked hard in developing supportive videos about substance abuse for school teachers and we feel they are an excellent tool that can have a significant impact on the prevention of substance abuse among students. […]
Re-Sport TPM in Thessaloniki, Greece

The last transnational meeting of the Re-Sport project took place in Thessaloniki, hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). The project is almost at the end. During the 2 years of the project all partners have worked with dedication and an excellent result has been achieved. Finally, in April all partners will organise Multiplier […]
Inclu-Ageing TPM in Athens, Greece

The 2nd Transnational meeting of the #IncluAgeing project on the care of older people with disabilities was held in Athens, the favourite and historical capital of Greece. During the 2 days meeting, the consortium reviewed the fed first output of the project named “Toolkit on how to train parents and legal guardians of ageing adults with disabilities” […]
InteLACMarket TPM in Cordoba, Spain

the European labour market is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by both migrants and host societies. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of Latin American and Caribbean migrants seeking employment opportunities in Europe. On 23 and 24 March […]